Knit and skirt: Glassons
Top and hat: Lippy
Shoes: The Warehouse
Cold weather + Snuggly knits + Bestfriend + Yummy food = A happy Jess!
Yesterday was a very good day. Woke up early for my 8 am class and was pleasantly surprised to see fog! I'm never up early enough for fog. Lol. It was really chilly so I wore my favourite knit and my favourite hat to keep me warm.
Was reunited with
Steph after a long time (1 week. HAHA) and caught up! Took photos and posted it up on our
blog too! I'm liking Autumn now, but not the rain! Aaaahhh. I never used to like Fall/Winter because I came from such a tropical country and I never knew what to wear or how to layer but now. . . I think I'm learning!
We had dinner in this yummy Italian place and took a walk before going for dessert. The rest of my night was spent cuddling with a blanket watching Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice/SVU. I love Tuesdays!
Now I'm currently listening to
Massad. I love how I'm discovering New Zealand artists now (It's been my "mission" to learn more about NZ music!) and Massad is definitely one my favourites! His song, "Forget About Me" is on repeat right now. Yes, it's that good. Listen to "Forget About Me"
here. I can't whistle to save my life so that's skillz right there! Haha. But seriously, he's awesome! More of Massad in his
official website and in
The mint hot chocolate was made extra special for me by the lovely Renee from
Iguana! So much love and goodness in this blog entry! <3