Monday, October 17, 2011

I needed more than just a cheap thrill ride

I have a confession to make. I might have a little obsession with cupcakes. I don't think I want to eat them anymore, but damn do I keep baking them. I woke up today and made cupcakes, got home after class and made more cupcakes. It's like, I bake to distract me from things I actually need to be doing. Especially since this week is going to be my busiest week by far.

Anyway. . . since I was so busy today, I lost track of time. Quickly showered and put on whatever I could find. Bad move since we did some photography today and we had to do a studio shoot. Harsh lights reflected everything since my skin's really bad at the moment. But meh, who cares. Selena Gomez says I'm beautiful anyway!

The haziness of some of these photos remind me of alcohol, house parties, and cool kids for some reason. Or maybe it's just the alcoholic in me talking. I guess I have yet to recover from that crazy intoxicated state last weekend.


  1. love the photos, looks like you had a great time!

  2. Great blog and photos! I love your tiger face which seems to appear in most of your posts!


  3. these pice are so funny!!! your blog is great!!!

  4. Heehee. You're having an obsession with cupcakes. :> Btw, thank you ate Jess for leaving a comment on my previous post. I appreciate it. :)

    Well, it seems like you always go out with your friends. I'm envious. XD I also like your feather necklace. Sorry for this mixed up comment. -_-''

  5. Thanks for all the comments, you guys! I absolutely love reading blogs so keep those links coming and I'll be checking out your blogs! xx


Your comments just make my day! Keep those blog links coming. I love checking them out! xx